Thursday, February 20, 2014

Team the snow!

Snow or shine, it's always the right time for Team Building activities!
If the snow has made you want to climb a mountain, a weekend hiking trip in Italy is the right team building activity to arrange for your guests!

We can be of service if you wish to plan a business meeting in Italy for either a day or for an entire weekend. And why not add some gourmet pit-stops? We can organize a gourmet treasure hunt in a local town near a mountain resort in Italy as part of a winter business trip where you and your guests play with flavors and aromas of the these small mountain towns of Italy. The winter team building meetings take place in zones famous for certain culinary products and is sure to satisfy lovers of cured meats, breads and cheese!


If the city remains your preferred setting, why not arrange a gourmet treasure hunt in Tuscany? Florence may be the ideal "battleground" where among wine bars, soup houses and hot chocolate cafés will warm your guests body and soul!

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